
Custom Orders Cancellations

Custom orders are made specifically for you based on your personalized preferences. Cancellations can only be accepted if the order has not yet entered production. Once production begins, the order cannot be cancelled.

How to Cancel & Refund Process

  • Cancellation Request: To cancel a custom order, please contact us immediately. We will review your request to ensure the order has not yet entered production.
  • Confirmation: If the order has not yet entered production, we will pause the scheduling process and confirm your cancellation request within 1-2 business days.
  • Refund: Once your cancellation is confirmed, we will process your refund. The refund will be issued to the original payment method used during purchase. Please note that it may take 3-5 business days for the refund to reflect in your account. 


Standard Order Cancellations

If you want to cancel your order, please do so within 24 hours of placing it, as we may begin processing it shortly. If this window passes, you can still cancel as long as the order has not been shipped. Once your order is shipped, cancellations will no longer be accepted.

How To Cancel? Refund Process?

To cancel your order, please contact us via email or live chat as soon as possible. Our team will pause the shipment and review your request. You will receive a confirmation within 1-2 business days.


Important Notes

Refund Processing Time?

Once your cancellation is approved, we will process your refund within 3-4 business days. You will receive a confirmation email with details.


Contact Us

Add: 2F-023, Phase II, South China International Accessories Logistics Zone, Pinghu St, Longgang, Shenzhen,CN

Service time: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Mon-Sat. CST


Tel: +86 15338710280